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Split Serial Port Signals for the Weather Forecasting

Electronic Team Electronic Team

Our clients have confirmed that the Virtual Serial Port Driver is a valuable tool for weather forecasting. You may be wondering how this is possible. The answer is that our software forwards data from sensors into multiple applications simultaneously, and it helps to split the signals. This allows the forecaster to receive all the complex information they need to make accurate predictions.

You can find some usage scenarios from our clients below.

Serial Splitter in Earthquakes Forecasting

Michael Parry-Thomas is a weather hobbyist, running his weather station from home. He has recently installed an earthquake monitoring instrument and faced a problem – two applications had to receive data from one port simultaneously.

That’s how the process is going:

  • The earthquake instrument is connected to COM2;
  • The AmaSeis app for processing the data from the earthquake instrument;
  • The data is displayed in the Helicorder.

The HS-3 size monitor has the facility to record the Earth’s tilt. To do this, you need to run a second program - BBC BASIC. The problem is we cannot run AmaSeis and BBC BASIC together because they both need the data from COM2.

Michael Parry-Thomas: I searched the Internet for a cable splitter and your solution was the first I’ve found and paid attention to. Virtual Serial Port Driver description on your website was very detailed and it was clear, that it would solve my problem without having to mess around with cables and other programs.

Now he uses Virtual Serial Port Driver to split COM port to share the data between two applications. The software shares one real port among multiple applications that receive the same data from one serial port simultaneously. Serial Splitter solved the problem easily.

Personal Weather Station with Serial Splitter

Gary Miller, a weather, electronics, and computer enthusiast, uses a Serial Splitter (Virtual Serial Port Driver) when working with his 24/7 Personal Weather Station.

He runs a 24/7 Personal Weather Station that reports to various online sources. He used a program called WxSolutions to manage the station and broadcast the info to my website. He wanted to try the other software without disabling an existing set-up during the evaluation period. So, he needed a solution that would provide virtual ports off of one physical port.

I tried several other software solutions, from freeware to ones that cost after a free trial, but Virtual Serial Port Driver is the only one I have been able to work successfully.

I am using the product to take a physical COM port and have it create several virtual COM ports. It allows me to run MULTIPLE Weather Station programs to provide a more robust display of Weather conditions from my weather site than 1 software product can provide. I get to evaluate different products without disturbing the main platform, and that provides the viewer with UN-interrupted results. But more importantly, my data streams to the National Weather Service and other agencies can get a more accurate sample.

Now he uses Virtual Serial Port Driver for multiple software programs reading the data from Davis Monitor II Weather Station. The software keeps the LIVE data going to various websites while the client simultaneously can evaluate other Weather Software programs for features that I may not have with my primary Weather software solution.

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Virtual Serial Port Driver
Create virtual COM port pairs in Windows
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